87.4m people in the US owned smartphones during the period, up 12 per cent on the previous three-month period. Android chalked up a 44.8 per cent market share, up 4.6 percentage points on the previous quarter. Apple remained in second place on 27.4 per cent, up 0.8 percentage points on the previous quarter. RIM ranked third with on 18.9 per cent (down 4.6 percentage points), followed by Microsoft on 5.6 per cent (down 0.2 percentage points), and Symbian on 1.8 per cent, which was also 0.2 percentage points down on the previous period).
Samsung is the top handset manufacturer overall, with a 25.3 per cent market share, the same as the previous quarter. LG is in second place on 20.6 per cent (down 0.7 per cent on the previous quarter), with Motorola in third on 13.8 per cent, also 0.7 percentage points down on the previous quarter. Apple put on 1.3 percentage points to finish in fourth place with a market share of 10.2 per cent, with RIM in fifth place on 7.1 per cent, 0.8 percentage points down on the previous quarter.
The figures reflect Android’s continuing dominance, as well as Samsung’s emergence as the dominant company in smartphone shipments. Recent figures from Strategy Analytics revealed that in the three months from July to September 2011, Samsung surpassed Apple to become the world's leading shipper of smartphones, shipping 27.8m smartphones during the period, compared to 17.1m from Apple.
Originally posted on http://mobilemarketingmagazine.co.uk Please take a moment to check them out!
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